Thursday, June 6, 2013

How it all started

I'm an ELLE magazine reader. On Elle June 13 No.334 Karry Washington, page 183, "The Biggest Losers*" under "Elle Beauty Body." The Pil-Sook Diet** stating losing EIGHT pounds in TWO weeks caught my eyes.

Eat breakfast  like a queen, lunch like a commoner, dinner like a pauper!?! Hey, that doesn't sound bad at all. No liquid after 7PM, mandatory daily 30 mins exercise session!? I have never followed any Korean pop trend or watched any K-dramas. But after scanning this article, hey, I GOT THIS!

*If you want to read more about how 8 editors, each on a different diet plan, lost the most without losing their mind, the online article is here.

** A fad in South Korea, The Pil-Sook Plan comes from hit K-drama, Dream High.

I'm an Asian female, 34 yrs old, 5 feet 3, 149 lbs. I have been eating right all my life. Growing up in a family that eats healthy, vegetable every meal, no candies, no bakeries, lots of milk and protein from soy bean, fish and iodine from seafood. But I have never exercised on daily basis. Using BMI (Body Mass Index) calculator today, it indicates that I'm "overweight". Last visit to my family doctor, I had a little too high cholesterol in blood. I should lose 35 pounds for better health, to be honest to myself. BMI calculator is also available as an app. Check it out.

Am I gonna be able to lose 30 pounds? I think 'yes'? How soon though, I do not know. But I think doing something about it is better than letting your health goes downward day by day. Eating right and daily exercise is the only key to healthiness no matter you are currently underweight, normal weight or overweight.

Here we go, my Pil-Sook plan starting Friday, 6/7/2013. I have a day to come up with the next day meal plan, exercise plan (Pil-Sook did 30 mins jump-roping session, I'm gonna try a variety of 30 mins workouts). And I will share "everything" publicly here. Please feel free to leave comments. If you are on diet too, any plans, and have a tips or two to share, come on in!

1 comment:

  1. I'm thinking about trying this. Have you experienced any weight lost? What other type of meals did you eat?
